tuntas in english
Translation for tuntas in the free Malay-English dictionary and many other English translations. Check tuntas translations into English. Pin On Religious Art Contextual translation of tuntas into English. . Venga vente con nosotros no seas tonto. Mecánica etc to grease. Untar su pan en la salsa to dip o soak ones bread in the gravy. Show algorithmically generated translations. Tutas adjective grammar translations tutas Add. En accusative feminine plural of tūtus. How silly o stupid of me. Untar el pan con mantequilla to spread butter on ones bread. Tanggungjawab tuntas in English. HERE are many translated example sentences containing HAMPIR TUNTAS - indonesian-english translations and search engine for indonesian translations. Parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus. Belajar tuntas in English. What does tuntas mean. Uji in English. Fui tan tonto que me dejé engañar por ellos...